Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Jan 24, 2011


you might wonder, what am i talkin about regarding the title of my post?

okayy, i'll tell you what.

I'm PEK CEK now.

Like, really really PEK CEK.

you know what is PEK CEK? FRUSTRATED. get it?

okay, so who don't know what does PEK CEK means?

of course everyone knows!! duhh.

okay la, tell you all what im mentioning about.

today PJK run 400 meter. and 9 marks ---- a piece of cake,

the problem is, 11 marks, it isn't easy to get.

and guess what?!!!


juz like everybody else =(

9 marks 1'55. 11 marks 1'20.

and i was THIS CLOSEEEE. i got 1'24. which was just 4 seconds different!!

so im realllyyyyy PEK CEKK.

i hope we get to run another time. and i WILL get 11 marks. grrrrrrrrrrr.

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