Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Dec 4, 2010

I'm in KL right now. =D

My bro injured his leg last week. so we fetched him back to Penang and he actually had a SURGERY!! He now has 7 SCREWS in his leg!! OMG! so he's now on crutches. 'lucky' him. now we fetch him back to him home in KL, we had a small vacation too. so yesterday, my parents n I went to Mid Valley. i bought a t-shirt n 2 belts n socks. WHEEE~

AND, i took many pictures there!! The christmas decoration there were AWESOME!! I LOVE IT! I'll upload the pics if i have the time. That's all for now. toodles!

Oh right, don't say i didn't study any form 3 books. coz i did. The Prisoner of Zenda!! YEAAAH! That's it! LOL =.- It's a great book btw, READ IT!

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