Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Aug 9, 2010


woke up at 4.50 am. went to parent's room. told dad:im not feelin well. dun wan go tennis le. "ok"
5.00am:rushed to d toilet. VOMITTED. A LOT. dad came out to check on me everytym i vomit. while my mum slept soundly. lol. i vomitted abt 10 times today. =( went to c doctor of coz. he gave me mc n 4 types of medicine. ahhh!! sob sob... so i din go sku =) stay at home. sleep most of d tym. watch a movie. THE LAST SONG. hahahh.vomit again. not so much though. 1 benefits: im slimmer now. lol. i ate biscuits n milo whole day. hungry neh. stil not feelin well. nite tym. first 1 to ask y i din go sku: sze en. TKSS!! lol. omgg my sivik 100. haha. my malay 58. ishh. english 90. math dunno. die liao la tis tym.haha. duno wan go sku tmr o not??haiz.

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