Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Aug 30, 2010

Chew Chew BDAY!!

first scene
as NORMAL. i went to sku. after doin my "business"in house. hahahah. e xin lo. ewwww. i went sku by VANNN. as usual. =.=

second scene
den when reached eh si. shueting give me a small paper. i chose PINK. my new FAVOURITE colour!!hahahah. den i "tou tou" rite my wish for chew chew bday. i helped szeen write too. coz she no go sku. ='( miss her lo. tmr can c her d. yay!!

third scene
den recess tym i faz faz faz eat. 3.46pm i rushed upstairs. help them paste n decorate d cardboard. everybody rite finish de paper le. from K2B. my beloved. hahah.

forth scene
den english period eh si. we watched yien wei, jia qi n jia ming aural. soooo funny. haha. n CUTE. abt football de. then
yien wei "announced" jiayi's bday. we sang song for her LOUDLY. she was soooo shocked. hee. den we gave her d board. n den. sang song agn. den said happy bday in 3 languages. we oso sang BIRTHDAY SONG for angie. coz tomoro her bday. MERDEKA GIRL. LOL. anyway happy bday again!!

fifth scene
liew tze n i was talkin abt. our bday. not FUN de. coz too early liao. me jan 15. she jan 17. haihs. tat tym everybody dun noe us yet. =( heheheh. the end. =D

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