Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Aug 26, 2010


ahahahahah!!today i so HIGH. our sku celebrate Merdeka todayyy!!d front part c video clips. d pengguna eh ppl eh video clip. cal us to save water n electricity. reduce reuse n recycle. =D quite funny larh d water 1.

then singin competition. lagu patriotik eh. group 1 is yunhun n another prefect. *clap clap* but in d end they din get first place. vote eh. but anyway many ppl think they should win la. i heard. hahahah.

then we watched form 6 eh drama. *thumbs up* so YENG. after them is chinese eh drama. wad jagung "ang dau sheng" eh. lols. quite LAME. but funny too. heheheh.
after that we sang Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu, n Tanggal 31. Everyone was so high when singin Tanggal 31. then we pps eh took d flag wave on d stage. sia sui nia. but no one saw us. coz we at d back. muahahah!!

then at last. huiteng do eh mv. d "i love pcghs"eh. great job!!today. first time i heard eveyone sang d school song so LOUD. n HIGH. lols.

Oh rite!!My dear shou hu shen gave me a card today. sooo nice d cover. hahah. got a cute eh cow. lol. tks!!so gamdong. =)

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