Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Feb 27, 2011


SPECIALLY for you,

"dar dar"

it has been nearly two months since we know each other. we became good friends on the 24th of january. hahahah. our "anniversary" XDDD

hmmm, i dunno what to say laaa.


you are someone that has many things in common with me!!


i love texting with you.

i love talking on the phone with you.

i love to find you during classes and at school.

i love to see you cause you are SUPER CUTEEEEEEEE!

now here comes the BAD part :(

i hate to wait for yr reply.

i hate it when u betray me.

i hate it when u hurt me.

i hate it when u lie to me.

i dont even know when you are saying the truth :(

i hate it,,,


i hate tonight. you hurt me, BADLY.

P.S to others who are reading this. i am NOT lesbian hhahaha.

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