Aloha means family. Family means no one get left behind :)

Jan 21, 2011


OOPPSSSS, something WORTH to be happy about.

erhem, erhem, i am OFFICIALLY the WAKIL tingkatan of form3 P.pusat sumber. (same as last year LOL)


allow me to be vain here. since this is my blog. i can write whatever i feel right? LOL? ==

i HEARD, see the big letters? (HEARDDD) okay, i HEARD that nearly EVERYONE voted for meeeee! :) i was like, over the top when i HEARD this. likeee, really reallyyyyy HAPPY!!

c'mon, imagine whole PPS people voted for u. wouldn't you feel proud? it's like you did a great job the whole 2010 and you deserved to get the same post. and you'd definitely feel appreciated by them.

HOW GREAT IS THAT!! heeheeeee. *blushes

oopsss. too vain. sorry guys!! teeheee.

I will try my best and be a good leader in PPS!! jiayouuuuu!! :D

btw, nobody who voted me would see this post. but still, THANKSSS :)

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